Thursday, July 17, 2008

Rough night

So I thought that I was going to be in the clear from feeling bad. I felt pretty good yesterday and was able to play and do things I usually do. I wasn't myself 100% but I was moving around which was good! Last night I went to bed and woke up at midnight crying. I had gotten sick all over in my crib and Mommy & Daddy came to my rescue. Mommy took me and changed me while Daddy cleaned up the crib (sorry Daddy!) I had another fever of 101.5 and I was really hot. I was up with Mommy from then until 2a. I fell asleep and then was up again around 3a. Mommy told Daddy he had to take this shift, she was exhausted from being up earlier and the entire night before. I woke up again around 6a and hung out with Mommy, my fever had gone down to around 99.5. Then I fell asleep again in my crib... I hope I'm feeling better later on today. I'm tired of being sick.

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