Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Under the weather

Mommy got a call from daycare yesterday around 3pm, Miss Jennifer took my temperature after my afternoon nap and it was 101.5. Daddy picked me up and when Mommy got home I was very happy and normal!! Mommy thought it was my teeth. Later on I started feeling very bad and had no energy at all.

I sat with Mommy for 2.5 hours (minus the time Daddy held me while Mommy ate) I finally went to bed about 10p and was up again around midnight. Mommy got up with me and sat with me until about 2a. I was very hot and had a fever again. Mommy gave me some medicine to help the fever. I laid back down in my crib for about an hour and then woke up again around 3a. Mommy laid with me on the couch until a little before 5a. This time my fever had broke and I was talking a little and actually moving, something I hadn't done all night. She put me back in my crib and I slept until after 9a. I woke up and felt a lot better. I got to take a bath and play with sissy!

Then Mommy and sissy took me to the doctors for my 1 year appointment. I was supposed to get 2 shots but since I didn't feel well they are going to wait a couple of weeks to do that. Here are my 1 year stats though!

18 lbs, 5 oz (5th percentile) I'm such a little peanut. Hence the name of this blog :)
28 inches (10th percentile) I'm such a shorty!

The doctor said I am growing well. Mommy told her that I eat like a horse so there wasn't any concern at all of me not eating or drinking enough!! I fell asleep in the way home in the car. I was a sleepy bear.

Let's hope that fever doesn't come back!! Grandma Sharon is coming to visit us on Friday and staying until Saturday - I can't wait for her to see me walk!!

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