Monday, September 15, 2008

Grandma's Gone

and I'm sad.

Grandma Sue came to visit us last Wednesday, and she flew home yesterday. It was so good to see her and spend some time with her! She watched me at home on Thursday & Friday and we had a blast. I was so tired on Thursday from all of the playing that I fell asleep in sissy's bean bag chair! Mommy came home from work that night and I had on a pair of pajamas and my shoes. Mommy said, "Oh, you had to wear your shoes with your jammies?!" and Grandma said, "I didn't know those were pajamas!" Silly Grandma :) Grandma gave me a bath that night and later on I had something in my hair so Mommy went to wet it and it became all suds-y, I guess Grandma didn't rinse me all of the way. So there we stood where we were, in the kitchen, with my head under the sink rinsing out my hair. Friday we had fun playing, too. And all weekend. We took Grandma to the airport yesterday morning and had to say good-bye to her. It was sad. She even taught me a new trick - how to wink! Well, she winks at me and I squint both of my eyes and get the biggest grin... Mommy will have to get a picture of it and post later. It's pretty cute, so I hear.

I hope she comes back with everybody else next month so I can see her again. I already miss her.

1 comment:

molly said...

elena does the wink thing too. too cute about the jammies and shoes. lol.