Sunday was an exciting day for Sophia! Brian and I went to Ikea for the day to get some stuff for the girls rooms... beds, dressers, bedding, rugs, lights you name it. While we were there I got a call from my sister in law who was watching Sophia. She said, "Does Sophia go potty yet?" Nope, this is something we haven't started or pushed yet. She has a potty but will just sit on it once in awhile for fun, sometimes with her clothes on. She doesn't quite understand yet. Becky went on to say, "Well she went poo poo in the potty here!" Yes, apparently she was saying, "I poo poo" and Becky thought she had pooped her pants. But she didn't, so she took her in the bathroom and she went! And I missed her first poop!!! That's OK, there will be plenty more. She is getting so big though... even though it's a total fluke :)
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
32 weeks pregnant
Yep, that's me. I can't believe I'm posting this picture either. Oh well.
This poor child isn't going to have a name though, we keep changing it. When we first started thinking of names we really couldn't agree on much. Well, I had plenty of suggestions but Brian wasn't a fan of any of them. Go figure :) Finally we agreed on Gabriella Suzanne. Then of course I started eventually thinking of more names. I was looking for something "shorter" than Gabriella. That is when we added Brenna to the name list. So we had Gabriella and Brenna. Was I to stop there? No. I kept thinking of more names. I love Gabriella but I just wanted a shorter name. That is where we got to Ella. If we were to name her Gabriella and call her Ella, why not just name her Ella?
So that's where we are today. As of today, right now, this second, her name will be Ella Suzanne. Ella is also a family name. We'll see what the future holds :)
Posted by
at 9:06 AM
Everybody says that Sophia looks like me, I agree. She definitely has my eyes and my crazy attitude. That's not always a good thing :) There are times though when I look at her and I see myself in her 100%. There are times that she looks exactly like I did when I was her age. Here is one of the more recent ones that I look at and just think, "Wow. That's totally me."
Posted by
at 9:00 AM
Me and Sophia
I'm so glad that I took this trip with Sophia. It was a great time for her and I to have some "alone time" together before her new little sister comes into this world. It's one trip that I will never forget. Me and my girl.
I'm usually the one with the camera so I'm not usually in the pictures. Here are a couple though.
Posted by
at 8:57 AM
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
We're home!
Well, vacation was fun and long! We had a great time but it was so glad to be back home. After being gone for almost 2 weeks, home was a great thing to see :)
I have TONS of pictures from vacation, please check them out on my Flickr site if you want to see them. Too many to post!!
Easter 2009
Heather & Tony's wedding
Jekyll Island, GA
And many more to come :)
Posted by
at 2:50 PM
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
A few vacation pictures
From the camera on my phone.
Catching some zzz's in the car
Seeing the water for the first time in Florida (well, this year)
Finally getting her to play in the sand... just a little though
This is what I wake up to in the mornings :) I love her eye lashes in this picture!
At a rest stop in Florida, enjoying the sunshine already
Thinking she is ready to go in the car
Grandma's glasses... before she broke them
Loooooooooooots more to come when we get home :)
Posted by
at 9:52 PM
Vacation Part II
So I had a bunch of things typed out for a vacaction update and it shut down so I don't feel like typing it all out. So I'll summarize:
*Brian's sisters wedding Saturday was outside and beautiful
*I took A LOT of pictures but unfortunately can't upload them until I get home
*The girls had an Easter Egg hunt on Sunday and it was a lot of fun
Brian and Logan headed back home Sunday
*Sophia and I came with Brian's Mom to Longboat Key, FL and extended our vacation
*We fly home Friday
*Weather is sunny and 80's
*Sophia loves the pool but still working on the sand :)
*It rained all day today so it was a nice relaxing day, the rest of the week should
be sunny and warm.
*Sophia climbed out of her pack n play at nap time today and threw our shoes and
clothes in it. I found her sitting on the floor when I went in there. Luckily
night time was easier for her and she went right down.
Lastly, I'm so glad I decided to bring Sophia. I have had THE BEST time with her and we have had some great mommy/daughter time that I wouldn't take back for the world. It's a great vacation for us before her little sister comes into this world!! I'll never forget it.
Posted by
at 9:45 PM
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
When I was about 5 or 6 years old (I think) I took a permanent black marker and drew pictures on the side of our house, on the siding. Needless to say when my Dad found out about this he was not too happy. He had to re-side that whole side of the house.
A couple of weeks ago I found some "markings" from Sophia on our wall and our banister. It's payback... although I was glad it was only in pencil.
I think she was trying to write, "I love you, Mom."
Posted by
at 10:11 PM
On vacation :)
Sunday evening (after Sesame Street Live... those pictures to come later) we left for our vacation! We got in the car about 6pm and drove until we got a little south of Atlanta. About 9 hours later, we finally stopped around 2:30am.
The girls were great in the car. Logan was asleep by 8pm laying along the back seat. Grandma Sue and Sophia were in the middle, and Brian and I were up front. Sophia is usually in bed around 7:30pm so thought she'd be asleep atleast by 10pm. 12:45am, she was still awake!! Luckily we had the van with the DVD player and Elmo, that really saved us. She was awesome in the car though, even though she had a couple minor meltdowns. But what do you expect when you have a 22 month old sitting in the car for that long?!
Monday morning we got up and drove the rest of the way to our destination... Douglas, Georgia. Everybody was excited to see us, especially Sophia, since she has changed so much since they all last saw her. And she was her usual self, hamming it up for everybody.
Tuesday we relaxed most of the day, ran a few errands, but nothing major.
Today we went to Jekyll Island, GA and spent the day. We took Grandma Sue, Emilia, Ellie, and the girls. Logan got to see the ocean for the first time and loved it. Sophia saw the ocean last year in Florida but actually walked around in the sand for a bit this time.
All of my pics will come later when we get home and I can upload them :)
I will post about the rest of the week later.
There might be a slight change of plans now though. Sophia and I may be extending our stay with the family. Every year Grandma Sue has a condo in Long Boat Key, FL (near Sarasota) Last year we were able to make it. This year due to my work schedule (tax time, busy for me) we weren't able to plan around it. However, with my work leave right now, Sophia and I may stay with the rest of them and then fly back later on next week. That solves a couple problems... #1, I won't have to ride in the car for 12 hours home. #2, Sophia won't have to ride in the car miserable for 12 hours. Even just going to Jekyll Island today, she was very sick of being in her car seat!! However, I would have to fly home alone with her, 30 weeks pregnant, holding her on my lap. Probably not the most comfortable thing, but I think we can deal with the 2 hour straight flight home.
Still not for sure, we'll see what happens!! I think we're going to end up staying though... too bad Logan won't be able to since she has school. But since I'm off work, I might as well enjoy the time and get some relaxation at the pool and on the beach :)
Posted by
at 9:59 PM
1st Hair Cut
Yes, I know, there isn't that much hair to cut. But, Sophia did get her first hair cut! The back was really just evened out... the sides were longer than the middle for some reason. She was a great sport :) We didn't take her to a kiddie place to get her hair cut, but rather the girl that cuts our hair!! She did great.
All done!
A little blurry, but you can see the new 'do :)
And me taking the picture, ha.
I'll be glad when the front and sides of her hair grow out a little more, but they really are starting to catch up!
Posted by
at 9:50 PM