Thursday, December 27, 2007
Fun with sissy
I have so much fun playing with my sissy. Last night we had such a good time. We started out by playing Disney Monopoly Jr., this was one of her Christmas presents.
Don't tell her, but I stole $3 from the bank.
Then we played with my new Leap Frog drum, I love it!
Then her and Mommy started singing Christmas songs to me really loud, it was so funny! Silly girls.
Then Mommy showed me her bag of Sour Patch kids and they looked tasty. Notice the drool on my lower lip.
Benny tried to steal them from me.
Then I put him in his place.
What another fun night playing.
Posted by
at 6:44 AM
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Merry Christmas!
Well my 1st Christmas was great! I slept until 8am for Mommy & Daddy, they sure did appreciate that. Sissy didn't get to our house until 1pm so I had to wait until then to open my presents. Talk about having patience! Once she got there we opened up our gifts. Here are some pictures of my 1st Christmas. I must admit though, it did wear me out. I was ready for a nap by the time we were all done opening our gifts. What a perfect 1st Christmas though.
Posted by
at 9:35 PM
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
I'm 1/2 a year old!
What a great day yesterday was! First of all it's my first Christmas, AND I turned a half of a year old!! Mommy and Daddy planned the presents out perfectly for me... exactly 6 months between my birthday and Christmas. Happy 6 months to me!
Posted by
at 9:18 PM
Monday, December 24, 2007
More fun toys
Mommy & Daddy let me open one more present yesterday while Grandma Sharon was there. She said I was supposed to open it Saturday but they forgot! Uh oh, what did they get me? This present is so big!
An activity gyum! Ohhh, how fun! And it's not even put together yet!
Excuse me sissy. This is mine. Hands off.
There we go! I love to kick and play with the toys on here... and it lights up! I kick it so hard that Mommy thinks I am going to break it. OK, leave me alone so I can play.
Posted by
at 8:44 AM
My 1st professional sporting event
Daddy got his work suite tickets for the Pacers game Saturday night so we took Grandma Sharon and Grandpa Ray. I couldn't believe all of the noise and the lights when we got there, it was so neat!! I just sat there for awhile and watched everything...
Here is a picture of sissy and me. Mommy wanted a picture of both of us but I kept turning my head to give her kisses on the cheek. She thought I was just trying to lick her.
Then I decided to grab Mommy's face and give her some kisses, too!
I can't remember what I was laughing at, but something sure was funny!
Here is a a picture of Daddy and sissy at the game.
I had a great time at my first professional sporting event... and it was free. Oh, and I forgot to tell you the best part... I got to see Larry Bird! We were leaving the game and Mommy, Grandma, and sissy were in the bathroom and Larry Bird walked right by me! Too bad Daddy didn't ask him to get his picture taken with me... maybe next time.
Posted by
at 7:46 AM
Christmas with Grandma
Grandma Sharon and Grandpa Ray came to visit sissy and I (oh, and Mommy & Daddy) this past weekend. They brought us so many presents! Here is sissy and I before we unwrapped any of them. As you can tell, I was anxious to get my hands on the gifts! One of the gifts that I opened was a brand new baby doll, just for me! I couldn't believe my eyes when I opened it. Oh my gosh!
I love it! Now gimme it.
Sissy got a Hannah Montana doll that sings, it's really neat. Don't tell her, but I might take it and play with it sometimes.
I also got some brand new pj's with piggy's on them. They are so cute, I couldn't wait to wear them.
In the meantime, I was having fun chewing on the package they came in.
Grandma got me a "Baby's 1st Christmas" ornament. Thanks Grandma! Benny is wondering where his doggie ornament is though.
I had such a great time and got so many neat gifts. Here are a few more pictures of our Christmas.
I am so thankful for all of my family, even the ones that weren't here this past weekend. I may be a little biased, but I think they are the best family in the world.
Posted by
at 7:25 AM