Thursday, May 21, 2009

Aw, man!

Elmo is becoming back seat to Sophia's new favorite show, Dora the Explorer. Or "Do-wa" as she calls it. If you are familiar with the show then you know of Swiper the Fox, and he always says "Aw, man!" Each time he says it, Sophia repeats it the exact same way and it cracks me up.

Last night we were painting Ella's room and she sat out there for atleast an hour and a half watching Dora. Yes, not usually something I would have her do that long, but with us painting it worked out beautifully.

Dora is her new best friend.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

awww, I'm not ready for K to be done with Elmo yet either. Her new thing is Caillou (sp?) Sesame Street is way cuter.