Wednesday, November 28, 2007

I rolled!!

I guess this is a big deal so Mommy wanted me to tell you about it. Monday night Mommy and Daddy were playing with me and put me on my tummy for some "tummy time." I didn't used to like laying on my belly but I'm starting to like it more and more. I was laying there and before I knew it, I was laying on my back! I rolled from my belly to my back! I still have yet to master rolling from my back to my belly, but hey, baby steps please! Mom & Dad were so excited. They kept turning me back over on my belly and I kept rolling to my back, I did this about 4 or 5 times before they finally stopped. The first time was a little harder though, I got on my side with my arm up, but I couldn't get my leg over. Finally I got it!

I'm getting so big!

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